CRIMINAL MINDS ~ "25 to Life"
coming on January 4.
Morgan aids a man who seems to have been rehabilitated
get paroled, only to regret it when he commits another murder.
BTW, Morgan (SHEMAR MOORE) looks so damn
hot when he's angry. OMG, Derek!

"The Big Sea" airs on December 28.
The discovery of bodies buried on the ocean floor in
Jacksonville, FL prompts a BAU investigation, and one of
the victims may be Derek's missing cousin.
Nice insight into Morgan and his family, and an
episode which illustrates the friendship between Morgan
and Rossi. (Joe Mantegna)
Okay, the bad news. There isn't going to
be a new episode of "Criminal Minds" until
"True Genius" on January 18.
But the good news is we have these
two amazing Morgan episodes coming up.
Both are worth seeing again if you're a SHEMAR fan.