It seems like an eternity since we last saw our "Criminal Minds," hero, SSA Derek Morgan. When someone visits your home for so many Wednesday nights you really miss them during those vacations.
Did you know in the early days of televisions, a season consisted of 39 new episodes and 13 reruns? Can you imagine 39 weeks of
NEW episodes? Oh, the joy!!!
Alas, times have changed. TV programs are done differently. They're more expensive to make, and besides, we can't expect our beloved CM folks to work almost year round. Twenty-four episodes is what
we get, and that's more than some series. We're just hoping for
some really good Derek Morgan time. We're not getting
many spoilers about Morgan, except for his love-life
with Savannah. Frankly, that's not enough.
We want more heroic Morgan, like "Mayhem," and "Minimal
Loss." We want more heartfelt moments, like "Lauren," or
"Our Longest Night." We want more.......Oh, let's face it. We
simply want more SHEMAR MOORE. He portrays Morgan
beautifully. He's a hero for today in a world that sorely needs
more heroes, and we love him to pieces.
When DM started in 2005, who would have guessed that it would
have lasted 10, and possibly even more seasons? Long after our Baby Boy, SHEMAR, moves on to other projects, we'll at least
have a stack of DVDs to enjoy our favorite FBI agent for
many years to come.
One of our dedicated LovingMooreAndMore Moderators
found this video on YouTube of SHEMAR doing an
interview with CBS Podcaster, Dana Greenlee, before the
CM series premier. Our thanks to Ms. Greenlee for posting
it for us all to enjoy. Take a look back at 2005 SHEMAR.
Season 10 Premier is October 1
Can't wait for this new season to begin....